36. Residence.—Every student of the University shall
reside in hostel, or under such supervision, control or conditions as may be
prescribed by the Statutes and the Ordinances.
37. Hostels.—The hostels shall be such as may be
maintained by the University and colleges or approved and recognised by the
Syndicate on such general or special conditions including conditions of
residence in hostels as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.
1. There shall be a Board of Health and residence to look after the health
and residence of the students of the University.
The powers and functions of the body known as the Students' Residence
Committee transferred to the University by the Government shall hereafter vest
in the Board of Health and Residence and the Secretary of the Students'
Residence Committee shall be designated as the Secretary of the Board of Health
and Residence.
The Board shall consist of the following:—
The Vice-Chancellor (Chairman).
The Principals of Colleges and Deans who are not Principals.
The Wardens of Hostels, and
The senior Medical Officer of the University with powers to Co-opt.
The Secretary, Students' Residence Committee shall act as the Secretary to
the Board.
2. The Board shall have the following powers and functions:—
(a) To conduct enquiries into conditions under which students not
residing in hostels are living and to lay down the conditions under which
students may attach themselves to hostels.
(b) To submit to the Syndicate schemes for the improvement of the health
and physique of students.
(c) To recommend to the Syndicate the steps to be taken for improving
medical and residential facilities to the students of the University.
(d) To appoint Wardens and Superintendents of the Hostels maintained by
the University other than those attached to colleges.
(e) To grant recognition to hostels other than those
maintained by the University.
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3. No person shall be allotted a seat in hostels maintained or recognised
by the University unless he is (a) a student of the University, (b) a member of
the staff who may be allotted temporary residence, or (c) a research scholar.