1. The financial year of the University shall be from April to March.
2. Every college and University Department shall prepare in the prescribed
form an estimate of its probable income in including income from endowments and
bequests, if any, and expenditure for the next ensuing financial year and shall
submit the same to the Syndicate on or before the 31st day of August calendar
3. The Syndicate on receipt of the estimates from the college and the
University Departments shall forthwith refer the same to the Finance Committee
for examination and report. The Finance Committee thereafter shall prepare the
annual estimates of income and expenditure of the University for the next
ensuing financial year and submit the same to the Syndicate on or before the
31st of December of each calender year.
4. The budget estimates as revised by the Syndicate shall be circulated to
the members of the Senate along with the preliminary Agenda for the March
meeting of the Senate.
5. Supplementary demands may be presented to the Senate in November, if
6. The Syndicate shall, after obtaining the advice of the Finance
Committee, have the power to reallot and reappropriate any likely savings under
any head of the sanctioned budget estimates within the financial year and a
detailed report on appropriation so made shall be submitted at the next meeting
of the Senate.
7. An emergency fund shall be provided as a head in the budget in which a
sum of Rs. 25,000/- shall be provided annually for unforeseen expenditure to be
made by the Syndicate on the advice of the Finance Committee,
1. A statement of the actual receipts and expenditure of the University during
the preceding financial year, as compared with the budget
estimates for that year,
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shall be prepared by the Registrar in the month of July and shall be
submitted to the Finance Committee.
2. The Finance Committee, after considering the statement and making any
comments on it that it considers necessary, shall forward it to the Syndicate.
3. The statement with the comments, it any, made by the Syndicate, shall
be presented by the Syndicate to the Senate at the March meeting which shall
consider it as provided in Section 38, of the Patna University Act, 1961.
4. The statement shall be circulated to the members of the Senate along
with the Preliminary Agenda for the March meeting of the Senate.
1. The Registrar shall write to the Accountant-General Bihar, not later
than the 31st of August every year for the appointment of Auditors to audit the
annual accounts of the preceding financial year of the Patna University and all
institutions maintained or controlled by it.
2. The Registrar shall furnish all the relevant papers required by the
Auditors at the time of audit of accounts.
3. All necessary explanations shall be furnished by the Registrar to the
enquiries made and questions put by the Auditors.