1. Admission of institutions.—Subject to the
provisions of the Act, educational institutions within the territorial
jurisdiction of the University, may be admitted as colleges in one, or more of
the faculties of the University.
2. Application for admission.—An application for
admission of an educational institution as a college shall be—
(a) made by an officer authorised by Govt. for the purpose in the case of
an institution owned and maintained by Government and by the Governing Body, or
Managing Committee in the case of any other institution;
(b) countersigned by two members of the Senate;
(c) addressed through the Registrar to the Syndicate;
(d) submitted not later than 15th September in the case of an educational
institution seeking admission for the first time or for extension, or
continuation of admission of an admitted college, of the year preceding the
academic session from which such admission is sought.
1. Clauses 3 and 4 deleted vide Chancellors Letters No. BSU 15/83-660 GS.
(1) dated 31.5.85
184] Part II
Manual of Bihar Universities Laws
3. Contents of application.- (1) An application for
the admission of an educational institution as a college shall state the course
of instruction which it is proposed that the Institution will undertake, and the
standard up to which it is proposed to teach in each such course as shown in a
time-table of work attached and shall contain sufficient information to satisfy
the Syndicate.
(a) that there is genuine need of such a college in the locality, and
whether the admission of the admitted College nearby;
(b) that the college shall be under the management of a regularly
constituted Governing Body;
(c) the college shall abide by the Acts, Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations
and Rules made by the University from time to time;
(d) the College shall not start Intermediate classes in the premises of
the college;
(e) that no student has been, or shall be admitted to the institution, or
in the subjects for the admission of which the application is being made, unless
the admission prayed for has been granted by tho University;
(f) that the institution owns and possesses at least 10 acres of land for
the college buildings, hostels, quarters and play grounds if situated in rural
area or 5 acres in urban area, in not more than two blocks provided that in case
the college building is not ready, the institution has a separate
building—Reserve Fund which is deemed to be sufficient by the Syndicate for
putting up suitable buildings within such time as may be fixed by the Syndicate;
and that the institution has at its disposal a building, to be approved by the
Syndicate, for holding the classes regularly and efficiently till the
construction of its own buildings is complete;
(g) that the institution has built up space duly furnished and sufficient
for running the lecture and tutorial classes and for housing the Office,
Library, Staff Common Room and for the Laboratory and Museum where so required
in each subject in which practical course is prescribed;
(h) that there is in the buildings of the institution a sufficient number
of class rooms for lectures, tutorials and practicals and that the floor space
and cubic space in each class room are adequate;
(i) that the institution has or shall have within such time as the
Syndicate may fix, suitable playground of its own for football, other outdoor
games and/sports;
(j) that adequate provision has been made. in conformity with the Statutes
and Ordinances, for the residence of the students, not residing with their
parents, or guardians, in suitable hostels and that the institution owns and
possesses one or more buildings of its own to provide residence for at least 20%
of its students and that in case the hostel buildings are not ready, the
institution has a Hostel Building, Reserve Fund which is deemed to be sufficient
by the Syndicate for putting up such building within such time as may be fixed
by the Syndicate; and that the institution has at its disposal a building, or
buildings to be approved by the Syndicate, for residence of students till the
construction of its own hostel building is complete:
Provided that in case of colleges for women provision for more housing
facilities for teachers and students may be insisted upon by the Syndicate:
Provided further that colleges for women shall be located as close to the
as possible from the security point of view and the land acquired for the col-
Part II [185
lege should be in one plot;
(k) that suitable provision shall be made for the general supervision and
physical welfare of the students;
(l) that the following sums have been set apart for books and periodicals
for the library of the college—for admission upto Bachelor Standard in the
Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences (to be counted as one) or Science or
Commerce or any other faculty Rupees fifty thousand, and an additional sum of
rupees ten thousand, for admission to each Honours subject;
Provided that in case of an institution located in a tribal area the
amount of reserve fund to be deposited in the University shall be reduced by
twenty five percent;
(m) Where admission is sought in any branch of experimental Science it
would be essential to ensure—
(i) that arrangements have been, or will be made, for which the
institution has necessary funds at its disposal, for imparting instruction in
that branch of Science in a properly equipped laboratory and, where necessary, a
(ii) that the gas and water supply, the apparatus, the chemicals, and the
design and general fitting of the laboratory, lecture rooms and museums shall
conform to such requirements as the Syndicate may from time to time prescribe;
(iii) that the Institution has a separate Laboratory—Reserve fund of not
less than Rupees thirty thousand in case of affiliation in Science or in any
branch of experimental science and an additional sum of rupees ten thousand for
each Honours subject in which practical course is prescribed;
(n) that due provision will be made for the residence of the Principal of
the institution in its compound and of at least 20 per cent of the members of
the teaching staff in or near building of the institution or in the place
provided for the residence of the students, within such time as may be fixed by
the Syndicate;
(o) that the institution has a Reserve Fund deposited with the University,
besides the college and hostel building, library and laboratory funds to be
disbursed only after obtaining the previous sanction of the Syndicate, the
following amounts;
(i) rupees two lacs and fifty
thousand for admission to the Bachelor standard in one Faculty (Humanities &
Social Science to be counted as one);
(ii) an additional sum of rupees one
lac and fifty thousand for admission in each additional (Faculty of Humanities
and Social Sciences to be counted as one), Science, or Commerce or any other
(p) that the institution has sufficient financial resources and fund for
meeting recurring expenditure on library, laboratories, furniture, repairs to
buildings and the maintenance of the college as whole for at least five years.
(1 ) that the fees, if any, payable by the students shall be fixed in
accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances.
(2) An institution applying for imparting education in Pharmacy or in any
other branch of learning except Physical Education for which the separate
statutes are to be framed, shall provide adequate building space, floor area
laboratory equipments etc. and staff as may be laid down by the Syndicate from
time to time.
(3) The Institution applying for admission shall pay along with the
186 ] Part II
Manual of Bihar Universities Laws
tion. in the case of an application seeking admission to any faculty for
the first time, and inspection fee of Rs. 1,000/- and in case of an application
for admission to any new subject or for extension for admission a fee of Rs.
500/- The fees so paid shall not be refunded.
(4) The institution shall also send along with the application certified
copies of all Trust deeds or Title deeds executed in favour of, or for the
benefit of the institution along with a non encumbrance certificate from the
Registry Office in respect of the land/building acquired for/owned by the
institution and up to date land revenue receipts relating thereto. An affidavit
duly sworn in a court of Law shall also be required to be submitted by the
sponsor s/Managing Committee/ Governing Body of the institution in respect of
the fulfilment of the condition prescribed in Art. 3 of this Chapter and also
indicating that the funds reserved for Building, Library & Laboratories shall
not be withdrawn and spent on any other purpose.
4.(1) On receipt of an application for admission the Syndicate if it is
satisfied on the basis of the materials supplied in the application, or
otherwise that the college proposed to be established has nearly fulfilled, or
is likely to fulfil all the conditions required by the law of the University and
is likely to be run efficiently, shall cause a local enquiry to be made as
regards the matters specified in Article 3 of this Chapter by such persons as
may be authorised in this behalf, or it may. if not so satisfied, reject the
application mentioning the reasons thereof.
(2) On the completion of such enquiry, or any further enquiries which may
be considered necessary, the Syndicate shall forward a copy of its resolution to
the Academic Council for suggestions concerning the academic aspects and shall,
on receipt of the suggestions of the Academic Council, if any, recommend to the
Senate as to whether the application should be granted with, or without,
modifications on a permanent basis, or provisionally for a limited period or
should be rejected. All connected papers shall be placed before the Senate along
with the recommendation of the Syndicate.
5. On receipt of the recommendation of the Syndicate the Senate may allow
the application, with or without modification, either on a permanent basis or
provisionally for a limited period, or reject it. If the application, or any
part thereof is rejected the grounds of such rejection shall be stated.
6. (1) The decision of the Senate shall be communicated to the institution
concerned, specifying the courses of the instruction in which the institution is
admitted and the standard up to which admission is granted, together with the
condition and limitations imposed. The institution shall duly report to the
Syndicate regarding the fulfilment of the various conditions imposed.
(2) No admission shall be made in the college unless the Syndicate is
satisfied that conditions necessary for starting classes have been fulfilled.
(3) No appointment of the Principal or any lecturer of the college shall
be made except on the recommendation of the College Service Commission:
Provided that in case of emergency, the college may appoint a Principal/
Lecturers on temporary basis only on the basis of All India Advertisement and on
the recommendation of a Selection Committee consisting of at least five members
of whom at least three shall be the experts in the subject concerned not below
the rank of Readers in the active service of the University.
Part II] 187
Provided further that in the case of appointment of Principal these
experts shall be University Professor and/or Principals not below the rank of
University Professors.
7. (1) In case the conditions are substantially fulfilled and provisional
admission for a fixed period is granted but all the conditions are not fulfilled
by the end of the said period, the institution may apply within the prescribed
time, showing sufficient cause for non-fulfilment of the conditions and for
continuance of the admission and the Syndicate may, after such enquiry as it may
think proper recommend to the Senate for the continuance of the provisional
admission for another fixed period either in whole or in part, but in no case
the extension shall exceed two years at a time and four years in all.
(2) If all the conditions are fulfilled the Syndicate may, at the end of
the period, recommend to the Senate to grant the admission on a permanent basis
either in whole or in part, as the case may be.
8. Admission in additional course.-(1) When a college
desires to add to the courses of instruction, an application for permission to
make such additions shall be made by the college not later than the date
prescribed for the purpose.
(2) The application shall contain sufficient information to satisfy the
Syndicate that, so far as the additional courses of instruction are concerned
adequate provision has been made in respect of matters specified in Article 3 of
this Chapter.
(3) Every such application shall be dealt with in the manner prescribed by
Articles 4 to 6 of this Chapter.
9. Withdrawal of application.—An application for
admission may be withdrawn at any time before an order has been passed on the
10. Exclusion of Colleges from privileges.—An admitted
college may, at any time, on the motion of the Syndicate, be deprived by the
Senate, in whole or in part, of the privileges granted to it under Statutes of
this Chapter, if the conditions of admission are not fulfilled or observed, or
for gross mismanagement of it or for any other reason the Syndicate is of
opinion that the college should be deprived of such privileges either in whole
or in part.
11. Action by the Syndicate on motion for exclusion.—(l)
The Syndicate shall, before bringing any such proposal before the Senate under
Article 10 of this Chapter, send a copy of it, stating the grounds and reasons
for the same, to the Secretary of the Governing Body of the College concerned or
the officer of the Government authorised to apply for admission in case of
Government colleges, together with an intimation that any representation in
writing on behalf of the college submitted within the period to be specified in
such intimation will be considered by the Syndicate:
Provided that the Syndicate may, from time to time, extend the period so
specified not exceeding three months in all.
(2) On receipt of the representation of the college concerned, or if no
such representation of the college is received on the expiration of the period
or any extension thereof allowed under sub-clause (1), the Syndicate may order
such inspection or enquiry to be made as it considers necessary.
(3) After consideration of the representation, if any, the college
and the results of such inspection or enquiry, if any, the Syndicate may drop
proposal or place before the next meeting of the Senate their recommendations
188] Part II Manual of Bihar Universities
together with all connected papers.
12. Decision by the Senate.-On receipt of the
recommendation of the syndicate the Senate shall decide whether to accept the
recommendations with or without modifications, or to reject the same. If the
Senate accepts the recommendations with or without modification, the college
shall be deprived of such of its privileges from the ensuing session or from
such date as the Senate may specify. When a decision is made depriving a
college, whether in whole or in part, of its privileges, the grounds of such
decisions shall be stated. The decision of the Senate shall be communicated to
the College concerned.
13. Suspension of instruction and lapse of privileges.-
lt shall be open to a college, after obtaining the previous approval of the
Syndicate to suspend instruction from the beginning of an academic year in any
subject or subjects or courses of study in which the college is admitted, for
want of students, or one any other grounds. The classes in the subject or
subjects suspended shall not be restored without obtaining the previous sanction
of the Syndicate, and if the work is not resumed at the end of a period of four
years the admission previously granted shall be regarded as having lapsed.
14. Non-opening of classes and lapse of privileges.-lf
for any reason, a college is unable to open classes and impart instruction in
any of the subjects in which the college is admitted, for a period of three
years, the admission previously given in such subjects shall be regarded as
having lapsed.
15. (1) An Evening College may be started for the
benefit of office employees and other wages earners at such places as may be
defined by the Syndicate.
(2) The provisions of the above articles regarding grant of affiliation
may be relaxed in the following matters in the case of the Evening College :—
(a) The security deposit may be
reduced up to 50%
(b) An Evening College may be allowed
to function in the buildings of an existing college or a Secondary School or any
other suitable building.
(c) An Evening College should be given
affiliation in a subject requiring attendance at practical classes only if it
arranges for the use of the laboratory of the institution in which it is
functioning, provided that adequate requisite facilities exist.
(d) No additional provision for
library need be made if the institution in which the college is functioning has
a suitable library, the use of which is permitted to the staff and students of
the Evening College.
(c) An Evening college may be allowed
to have part-time teachers including retired hands, provided they are otherwise
16. The University shall fix the maximum number of
students to be admitted in each class of each college depending upon the
facilities available in the college. The number of seats in the Honours class of
a subject in which no practical course is prescribed shall not ordinarily exceed
75 and in a subject having a practical course the number of seats in the Honours
class shall not exceed 32.