Sri P.K.Chatterji, Deputy Secretary to the Governor, Bihar.
The Vice-Chancellor, Patna University, Patna; Bihar University,
Muzaffarpur; Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur; Magadh University, Bodh Gaya;
Ranchi University, Ranchi; L.N.Mithila University, Darbhanga; K.S.D. Sanskrit
University, Darbhanga.
Subject :—Statutes regarding constitution of
Committees in the Universities.
I am directed to invite a reference on the above subject and to say that
the Chancellor, on the advice of the Inter-University Board and State
Government, has been pleased to approve the following Statute under Section
5(2) of the Bihar Inter-University Board Act, 1981 for implementation in your
University :—
Statute regarding formation of Committees
There shall be the following Standing Committees in the University:—
Affiliation and new teaching programme Committee
(b) Post creation, absorption and confirmation Committee (for teachers
and officers)
Approval, seniority and pay fixation Committee
Promotion Committee (Officer & non-teaching staff)
Students' residence and Welfare Committee
Scholarship and Stipend Committee
(g) Study Leave Committee
(h) Equivalence Committee
(i) Statutes Committee
(j) Library Committee
(k) Building Committee
(l) Purchase and Sales Committee
(m) Press Committee
(n) Discipline Committee
(o) Admission Committee
(p) Students Discipline Committee
(q) Academic Calendar Committee
(r) Sports Committee
2. The composition, powers and functions of these Committees shall be as
follows :-—
(a) Affiliation & new teaching programme Committee
The Committee may consist of the following :—
(1) The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
(2) Deans of Faculties concerned
(3) Two representatives of the Syndicate
(4) Two representatives of the Academic Council
(5) The Co-ordinator, College Development Council
190] Part II
Manual of Bihar Universities Laws
(6) The Senior Inspector of Colleges-Member Secretary
The following shall be the powers and functions of the Committee :—
(i) To scrutinise the
applications for grant of fresh affiliation or extension of affiliation to
colleges and to make its recommendations.
(ii) To scrutinise the applications
for starting new teaching programmes in Constitutent Colleges or P.G.
Departments and to make its recommendations.
(iii) To recommend the names of Inspectors for
inspection of the colleges and the departments for the above purposes.
(b) Post creation, absorption and confirmation Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following
1. The Vice
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. One senior Principal to
be nominated by the Vice-chancellor
4. One senior Head of the
University department to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
5. The Director, Higher
Education, Government of Bihar, Patna
6. Two members to be
nominated by the Syndicate
7. The Registrar—Member
The following shall be the powers and functions of the Committee:—
(i) To consider the need for
creation of new posts of teachers and officers and to make its recommendations.
(ii) To consider the cases of
absorption of temporary teachers and officers (other than the purely temporary
lecturers) for absorption in permanent service of the University and to make its
(iii) To consider the cases of teachers and
officers and to make its recommendations for their confirmation.
(c) Approval, seniority and pay fixation Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:---
1. The
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. Three members to be
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
4. Two senior teachers to
be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
5. One member to be
nominated by the Finance Committee
6. The Registrar-Member
The following shall be the powers and functions of the Committee:—
(i) To consider the cases and to
make its recommendations for approval of appointments made in affiliated
(ii) To consider representations and
to make its recommendation in regard to seniority in respect of teachers and
officers of the University.
(iii) To consider the cases and to make its
recommendation for fixation of pay of teachers, officers and other employees of
the University.
(d) Promotion Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:—
Part II [191
1. The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. Two members to be nominated by the Syndicate
4. The Registrar-Member Secretary
The Committee shall consider the cases and make its recommendations for
promotion of officers and other non-teaching staff of the University.
(e) Student's Residence and Welfare Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:—-
1. The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
2. Four Deans of Faculties to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
3. Two senior Principals to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
4. The seniormost Warden
5. Two members to be nominated by the Syndicate
6. The Dean, Student's Welfare-Member Secretary
The Committee shall look after the management and maintenance of Students'
residence and make its recommendations for their proper up keep including the
appointments of Warden, Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents and other
staff. The Committee may also look after the other welfare activities of
(f) Scholarship and Stipend Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:—
1. The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. The seniormost Dean of Faculty
4. One seniormost Principal
5. A senior teacher to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
The Committee shall examine the castes of Students for award of
scholarships and stipends by the University and take such steps as may be
necessary for timely disbursement of scholarships and stipends.
(g) Study Leave Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:—
1. The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
2. Deans of the Faculties of Humanities, Social Sciences and Commerce
3. Two members to be nominated by the Syndicate
4. Two members to be nominated by the Academic Council
5. The Registrar-Member Secretary
The Committee shall consider the applications of teachers and make its
recommendations for grant of Study Leave.
(h) Equivalence Committee
The Committee may consist of the following:—
1. The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. Two Deans of Faculties
4. Two Heads of University Departments (as are not Deans of Faculties) to
be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
192] Part II
Manual of Bihar Universities Laws
5. The
Registrar-Member Secretary
The Committee shall scrutinise the cases giving equivalence to the
examinations conducted by other Universities/autonomous Institutions and make
its recommendation for consideration of the Academic Council
(i) Statutes Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:-
1. The
2. Two members to be
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
3. Three teachers to be
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
4. The Registrar-Member
The Committee shall prepare draft Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and
Rules of the University and amendments relating thereto, take steps for printing
of University Calendar containing laws of the University and consider proposals
for making amendments in the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Rules of the
University and make its recommendations.
(j) Library Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:---
1. The
2. All Deans of Faculties
3. Two Senior University
Professors to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
4. The University
Librarian-Member Secretary
The Committee may look after the proper maintenance and management of the
University Library including purchase of books, periodicals, journals etc.
(k) Building Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following
1. The
2. The Financial Adviser
3. The Superintending
Engineer, P.W.D.
4. One member to be
nominated by the Syndicate
5. One member to be
nominated by the Finance Committee
6. The Co-ordinator,
College Development Council
7. The Registrar
8. The University
Engineer-Member Secretary.
The committee shall consider all matters relating to location and
construction of new buildings in University and Colleges and repair and
maintenance of existing buildings. It shall also consider tenders received for
such construction repairs and make its recommendations.
(l) Purchase and Sales Committee
The committee shall consist of the following :—
1. The
2. The Financial Adviser
3. Three members to be
nominated by the Syndicate
4. The Finance
Officer-Member Secretary
The Committee shall consider annual requirements of University's stores
Part II [193
including Examination stores, shall open and consider tenders and the
samples and makes its recommendations for purchases to be made from time to
The Committee shall conduct auction and make arrangement for the sale of
saleable articles or for settlement of land, orchards etc. of the University
(m) Press Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following :
1. The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
2. Two members to be nominated by the Syndicate
3. Three senior teachers to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
4. The Superintendent of the Government Press, Patna or local, if there be
5. The University Press Superintendent/Manager-Member Secretary
The Committee shall look after the management, maintenance and functions
of the University Press including purchases to be made for the Press.
(n) Discipline Committee (for teachers, officers and
other staff of the University).
The Committee shall consist of the following
1. The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. Three members to be nominated by the Syndicate
4. One seniormost teacher amongst the Deans of Faculties
5. The Proctor
6. The Registrar-Member Secretary
The Committee shall consider all cases of indiscipline on the part of
teachers, officers and other staff of the University and make its
recommendations for decision by the authorities concerned.
(o) Admission Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following :—
1. The Vice-Chancellor-Chairman
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. Three senior Deans of Faculties to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
4. Two Heads of University Departments to be nominated by the Vice
5. Two Principals of Colleges nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
6. The Dean, Students' Welfare-Member Secretary
The Committee shall consider the cases for admission of students in the
University Departments and Colleges, consider amendments to the Rules of
admission and take such steps as may be necessary to ensure admission according
to rules on general and reserved seats.
(p) Students Discipline Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following :--
1. The Vice-Chancellor
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. The senior most Dean of Faculty
194 ] Part II
Manual of Bihar Universities Laws
4. The seniormost Warden
5. The Heads of University Departments nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
6. One Principal of the College located at the University head-quarters
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
7. The Dean Students Welfare
8. The Proctor-Member Secretary
The Committee shall examine and consider all cases of indiscipline on the
part of students and make its recommendations.
(q) Academic Calendar Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:—
1. The Vice-Chancellor
2. All Deans of Faculties
3. Two Heads of University
Departments to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
4. Two senior Principals
to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
5. The Dean, Student's
Welfare-Member Secretary
The Committee shall prepare University Academic Calendar each year for the
full duration of the course in respect of the students to be admitted in
following academic session. The academic calendar should contain the date of
starting the teaching, the courses to be covered in each area of each academic
year and the dates of University examinations.
(r) Sports Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following :—
1. The Vice-Chancellor
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor
3. The Director
Prof-in-Charge of Sports
4. Two Heads of University
Departments to be nominated by the Vice- Chancellor
5. Two Principals of
colleges of whom one Principal of a Women's College, to be nominated by the
The Committee shall look after all the works relating to development and
holding of games or sports in the University and Colleges.
The term of membership of the Committee other than ex-officio members may
be three years from the date of their nomination provided that a member
nominated as a representative of any body, shall be deemed to vacate office with
effect from the date on which he ceases to be the member of that body.
(i) The Vice-Chancellor may, if
he so desires, authorise the Pro-Vice-Chancellor or a Senior Dean of a Faculty
to preside over any meeting of any Committee, as and when so needed.
(ii) The Registrar may, if he so
desires, authorise any other officer of the University to act as Member
Secretary of any meeting of any Of the Committees in which he is the Member
Part II [195
NOTE.—The provision of the Committee mentioned in (a)
will not apply to Patna University and in the Committee mentioned in (k), the
words "The Coordinator College Development Council' shall be deemed to be
Further action in the matter may be taken accordingly.