
The Bihar State Universities Act, 1976

Section 48

Approval of the Budget by the State Government.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or the Statutes, University Ordinance or Regulation made thereunder, every University shall send its budget for every financial year to the State Government. The University shall show therein estimates of receipts and disbursement for the ensuing year. The State Government shall return the budget to the University with such modification as it may deem fit and the University shall act in conformity with such modified and approved budget. (2) At any time during the financial year, the University may send a supplementary budget to the State Government and the State Government shall return the budget to the University with such modification and approval it may return the budget to the University with such modifications and approval as it may deem proper. (3) No expenditure shall be incurred by any University unless such an expenditure has bcome a part of the budget as finally approved under sub-section (1) or (2)] [ladYi laŒ 14@ch 104&86 f’kŒ &575 fnukad 31 ekpZ 1986] fo"k; %& fo’ofo|ky; ds okf"kZd vkorhZ vk;&O;; dh tk¡p lEcU/kh izfØ;k dk fu/kkZj.kA fo’ofo|ky;ksa ds okf"kZd vkorhZ vk;&O;;dksa dks oÙkZeku esa fcgkj jkT; fo’ofo|ky; ,oa iVuk fo’ofo|ky; vf/kfu;e] 1976 esa fofgr izko/kkuksa ds vUrxZr foÙk lfefr] flaMhdsV ,oa flusV ds vuqeksnu ls cuk;k tkrk gS ,oa bl izdkj rS;kj fd;k x;k vk;&O;;d jkT; ljdkj ds vuqeksnukFkZ izLrqr fd;k tkrk gSA ¼2½ pw¡fd jkT; ljdkj dks izkIr vk;&O;;d dh lE;d tk¡p iwoZ vfHkys[kksa ds vHkko esa djus esa dfBukb;ksa dk vuqHko djuk iM+rk gS rFkk fo’ofo|ky;ksa }kjk rS;kj fd;s x;s vk;&O;;d esa dbZ rduhdh [kkfe;k jgrh gS] vr% fu.kZ; fy;k x;k gS fd okf"kZd vkorhZ vk;&O;;d flaMhdsV ls ikfjr gksus ds iwoZ ,oa flusV esa miLFkkfir djus ds iwoZ fuEukafdr f=lnL;h; lfefr ds le{k leh{kkFkZ miLFkkfir fd;k tk;xk %& 1- lfpo] foÙk foHkkx] fcgkj ljdkj] iVukA 2- lfpo] f’k{kk foHkkx] fcgkj ljdkj] iVukA 3- lEcfU/kr fo’ofo|ky; ds dqyifrA ¼3½ mi;qZDr f=lnL;h; lfefr }kjk izk:i vk;&O;;d dh leh{kk ds fy;s jkT; ljdkj ;k lEcfU/kr fo’ofo|ky; ds fdlh Hkh deZpkjh ;k vf/kdkjh ls lgk;rk izkIr dj fd;k tk ldsxkA ¼4½ f=lnL;h; lfefr ds leh{kksijkUr rFkk la’kksf/kr rFkk mikUrfjr vk;&O;;d dks ____________________________________ 1. Ins. by Act 68 of 1982.
flafMdsV] flusV ds lkeus vuqeksnukFkZ j[kk tk;xk ,oa flusV ds }kjk ikfjr ctV vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 48 ds rgr jkT; ljdkj ds vuqeksnukFkZ ;Fkkor Hkstk tk;xkA jkT; ljdkj izkIr vk;&O;;dksa dks ;Fkkor vFkok ,sls mikUrj.kksa ds lkFk tks og djuk mfpr le>rh gS] fo’ofo|ky; dks okil dj nsxh vkSj fo’ofo|ky; bl izdkj ;Fkk vuqeksfnr vFkok mikUrfjr ctV ds vuq:i dk;Z djsxkA]

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