
Bihar Agricultural University Act, 2010

Section 34

34. Finance Committee
(1) The Board shall constitute a Finance Committee consisting of :– (i) The Vice-Chancellor – Chairperson (ii) Principal Secretary/Secretary/Finance to the State Government or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary; (iii) Principal Secretary/Secretary/Agriculture to the State Government or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary; (iv) One Director/Dean from amongst the Board Members to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; (v) One nominee of the Board; (vi) Comptroller- Member Secretary; (2) Finance Committee shall have the following functions:- (i) To examine the annual accounts and budget estimates of the University and to advise the Board thereon; (ii) To review the financial position of the University from time-to-time; (iii) To make recommendations to the Board on all matters relating to the finances of the University. (iv) To make recommendation to the Board on all proposals involving expenditure in excess of the amount provided in the budget.

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