Bihar Agricultural University Act, 2010
Section 28
28. Integration of teaching, research and extension education
(1) In consultation with the appropriate officers of the University, the Vice-Chancellor shall be responsible for taking such steps as may be necessary for the full integration of teaching, research and extension education activities of the University,
(2) Every faculty member borne on teaching cadre shall devote some time (not exceeding 30% and as decided by the Vice Chancellor in consultation with the appropriate officers of the University) in an academic year for undertaking research and / or extension activities besides teaching. Likewise a faculty member bone on research or extension shall spend some time in teaching.
(3) All teaching, research and extension education staff located in the college/faculty shall be under the administrative control of Dean of the Faculty/Dean of the College/Faculty and overall technical control of Director (Research) and Director (Extension Education) as the case may be.
(4) The University shall develop its programme of research and extension education keeping in view the regional needs of the State and provide the appropriate technological backstopping, to the Government and other stakeholders.