
Bihar Agricultural University Act, 2010

Section 16

16. Provisions in relation to Membership of Authorities
(1) Save as otherwise provided in This Act, if any member other than ex-officio member of any authority or body of the University, is unable by reason of his death, resignation, removal or otherwise to complete his full term of office, the vacancy so caused shall as soon as convenient, be filled by the appointment, nomination or co-option, as the case may be and the person so appointed, nominated or co-opted shall fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term for which the member in whose place such person is appointed, nominated or co-opted would otherwise have continued in office. (2) The Board may remove any person from membership of any authority or body of the University on the ground that such person has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude or conduct not befitting the office held by the concerned member with the approval of the Chancellor, except that prior approval of the Chancellor shall not be necessary where such a person has been convicted by a competent Court of law: Provided that no such order shall be made against any person without giving reasonable opportunity of being heard. (3) A person who is a Member of any authority or body of the University as a representative of another body whether of the University or not, shall cease to be a member of such authority or body if before the expiry of the term of his membership he ceases to be a member of that other body by which he was appointed or nominated. (4) Whenever any person becomes a Member of any authority or body of the University by virtue of the office held by him, he shall forthwith cease to be a member of such authority or body if he/she ceases to hold such office before the expiry of the term of his membership. Provided that he shall not be deemed to have ceased to hold his office merely by reason of his proceeding on leave for a period not exceeding four months. (5) Any member, other than an ex-officio member of any authority or body of a University may resign his office by letter addressed to the Vice-Chancellor and such resignation, upon acceptance, shall take effect from the date on which the same is submitted. 

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