(As approved by Chancellor vide No. BSU—8/2005-1614 G. S. (1) dated
The minimum qualification for appointment of part-time teachers should be
the same as that of regular teachers and the mode of selection for appointment
shall be the same as that for the recruitment of regular teachers. However, such
teachers may also be appointed by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of
duly constituted selection committee, for a period not exceeding six months or
till the end of the academic session, which ever is earlier. The part-time
teachers should be appointed only in exceptional circumstances when it is
appropriate to the requirements of the institution in terms of subject to be
taught or work load. They can be appointed on a contract appointment if only for
a short period or as permanent half-time/proportionate time employees against
half/proportionate salary of the scale (and should include proportionate
increments, dearness allowance and any other permissible benefits). Such
permanent part-time teachers will also be entitled to the scheme of Career
Advancement from Lecturer to Senior Scale Lecturer, Selection Grade
Lecturer/Reader and Professor. However, they will be entitled to
half/proportionate increments, dearness allowance and any other permissible