
Bihar State Universities Statutes

STATUTES CHAPTER 22 (Revision of pay-scale of University and Degree College teachers. (No. HRD 1044 dated 7.8.1989) )

22. Revision of pay-scale of University and Degree College teachers. (No. HRD 1044 dated 7.8.1989)

I am directed to say that the Government of India vide their letter no. F 1-21/87 U.1 dated  17.6.87 and dated 2.7.88 requested the State Government to consider the question of implementation of revised pay scales of pay for the University and College teachers of the State as recommended by the Grants Commission as a 'Composite Scheme' as envisaged in the letters under reference .

2. The State Government have decided to introduce the revised scales of pay for teachers of the Universities and degree colleges and also for Vice Chancellors of the Universities as recommended by the University Grants Commission as
detailed below with effect from 1.1.1986, subject to the conditions laid down in
Annexure I :-





scale of pay

Revised scales of pay

introduced w.e.f. 1.1.86

1.   University Professor



2.    Reader



3.    Lecturer



4.    Lecturer (Senior scale)\

       (Selection grade)

Not existing


5.    Lecturer

       (Selection grade)

Not existing


6.    Principals of College




7.    Demonstrators

      (Existing incumbent only)



8.    Vice-Chancellors

3000 (fixed)

7600/- (fixed)

3. The State Government have also decided that for purposes of fixation of pay the revised scales of pay will be deemed to have beben introduced w.e.f. l .1.1986, but the actual payment shall commence from the salary of August, 1989. Decision on mode of payment of arrears shall be taken later.

4. The revised scales of pay are not applicable to Medical, Engineering Agriculture, Veterinary, Government Teachers Training Colleges.

5. The pay in the revised scales shall be fixed according to rule and formula laid down in Annexure II . Pay fixation on promotion to next higher scale shall be made on the basis of the criteria laid down by the U.G.C.

6.The revised scales of pay will be applicable to all teachers who were in position against posts sanctioned on 1.1.86. The revised scales of pay to teachers appointed against posts sanctioned after 1.1.1986 will be applicable from the date of sanction of their posts.

7. The State Government have, by Government Order No.1216
dated 18th Sept. 1975 decided that neither any post of Demonstrator shall be
created nor any appointment to the existing posts of Demonstrators shall be made there-


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after, and as such Demonstrators appointed on or before the 18th Sept. 1975 only, shall be eligible to get the revised scales of pay.

8. The revised scales of pay are inclusive of the basic pay the D.A, Additional/Adhoc D.A. and Interim Relief if any admissible to teacher as on 1.1.1986. As far as Dearness Allowance is concerned, the teachers will be paid at the rates admissible to and accruing to State Government employees after 1.1.1986.

9. Teachers serving on sanctioned posts may exercise an option in accordance with para 20 of Appendix I, within 90 days from the issue of this order in the proforma given in Annexure III.

10. The Universities and Colleges are authorised to fix pay in the revised scales provisionally, according to the instructions and to start payment in the revised scale of pay w.e.f. pay for the months of August, 1989 after obtaining a written undertaking in the proforma of Annexure IV from each teachers that if on final fixation of pay by the Government it is found that provisional payment has been made in excess of the amount admissible and approved by the State Government the amount so paid in excess would be deducted from his future pay in one or more instalments.

11. Promotion effected or due to teachers on or before 1.3.89 will not be reopened. However in such cases their pay will be revised from the date of their promotion.

12. The benefits of revised UGC pay scales will be available to deficit grant affiliated colleges including such minority colleges.

13. The University after due checking shall send copies of the pay fixation statement in the form as prescribed for approval of the State Government.

14. The colleges shall prefer their demands for grant on this account to the University concerned giving details in the prescribed proforma (Annexure V).

The University shall send consolidated demand to the State Government in the proforma for each University Department and College separately.

15. The University shall maintain two separate accounts, one in respect of the posts sanctioned before 1st Jan. 1986 and by whom UGC pay scale has been introduced on the basis of 'Composite Scheme' of the Government of India and the other in respect of the posts sanctioned after 1.1.1986 and appointment made thereafter including those allowed relaxation given under paras 9 and 11 above.

16. The provisions contained in Appendix and Annexures to this order shall apply in all matters of which no specific mention is made in this order.

17. The Director (Higher Education), Bihar and the Accounts Officer, Human Resource Development Department have been informed.



1. This scheme applies to teachers in all Universities (excluding Agricultural Universities) and Colleges (excluding Agricultural, Medical and Veterinary Science Colleges) admitted the privileges of the Universities unless they specifically exercise an option in writing to remain out of this scheme as provided in para 20 hereafter. All teachers appointed after the date from which the scheme has been given effect will be governed by the provision of the composite scheme of the U.G.C.


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Date of effect

2. The revised scales of pay will be effective from Jan. 1, 1986.

Pay Scales

3. The revised scales of pay effected from 1.1.1986 are given in Annexure 1.

4. The revised scales of pay are inclusive of the basic pay, the dearness allowance, additional dearness allowance, and the interim relief, if any, admissible to teacher on 1.1.1986.

5. The revised scale of pay of Demonstrators is for the existing incumbents of these positions in the Universities and Colleges. There shall be no fresh recruitment to this category.

6. The Principals of Colleges shall be placed in the scale of pay of Reader or Professor on the basis of criteria to be laid down by the State Government.

7. The revised pay for Vice-Chancellors indicated in Annexure-I shall be applicable to all Universities.

Recruitment and Qualifications

8. Recruitment to the posts of Lecturers, Readers and Professors in Universities and Colleges shall be on the basis of merit through all India advertisement and selection, provided that lecturers who fulfil the criteria prescribed in this scheme will be eligible for promotion to the posts of Readers.

9. The minimum qualifications required for appointment to the posts of Lecturers, Readers and Professors will be those prescribed by the U.G.C. from time to time. Generally, the minimum qualification for appointment to the post of Lecturer in the scale of pay of Rupees 2200-4000 shall be Master's degree in the relevant subject with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade, and good academic record.

10. Only those candidates who, besides fulfilling the minimum academic qualifications prescribed for the post of lecturer, have qualified in a comprehensive test, to be specially conducted for the purpose, will be eligible for appointment as lecturer. The detailed scheme for conducting the test including its design the agencies to be employed in the conduct of tests, contents, administration, etc., will be worked out on the guidelines given by the U.G.C.

11. In order to encourage research, in continuation of post graduate studies, candidates who at the time of their recruitment as Lecturers, possess Ph.D. or M.Phil. degree, will be sanctioned three and one advance increments respectively in the scale Rs. 2200-4000 alongwith the benefit of corresponding years of service for the purpose of promotion. The existing Lecturers without research degree, and those similarly situate recruited in future will be eligible for a similar benefit in service for the purpose of promotion as and when they acquire research degrees, but will be eligible for advance increments. Existing lecturers, with research degrees will also be eligible for a similar benefit.

Career Advancement

12. Every Lecturer will be placed in a senior scale of Rupees 3000-5000 if
he/she has:

(a) completed 8 years of service after regular appointment with relaxation as provided in para 11 above;

(b) participated in two refresher course/summer institutes each of
approximately 4 weeks duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education



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programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the U.G.C.

(c) consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports.


All lecturers in the existing scale of Rs. 700-1600, who have completed 8 years of service on 1.1.1986, will be placed through a process of screening/selection as indicated in para 21 below, in the scale of Rs. 3000-5000. The benefit of service provided in para 22 will be available for the initial placement also.

13. Every Lecturer in the senior scale will be eligible for promotion to the post of Reader in the scale of pay of Rs. 3700-5700 if he/she has:

(a) completed 8 years of service in the senior scale provided that the requirement of 8 years will be relaxed if the total service of the Lecturer is not less than 16 years.

(b) obtained a Ph.D. degree or an equivalent published work:

(c) made some mark in the areas of scholarship and research as evidenced by self-assessment, reports of referees, quality of publication, contribution to educational renovation, design of new courses and curricular etc;

(d) participated in two refresher courses/summer institute of approximately 4 weeks duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the UGC, after placement in the senior scale; and

(e) consistently good performance appraisal reports.

14. Promotion to the post of Reader will be through a process of selection by a Selection committee to be set up under the Statutes/ordinances of the University concerned or other similar committees set up by the appointing authorities in accordance with the guidelines to be laid down by the U.G.C. Posts of Reader will be created for this purpose by upgrading number of posts of lecturers in the Universities and colleges.

15. Those lecturers in the Senior scale who do not have Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work and who do not meet the scholarship and research standards of a Reader but fulfil the other criteria mentioned in para 13 and have a good record in teaching and/or participation in extension activities, will be placed in the grade of Rs. 3700-5700 subject to the recommendations of the committee mentioned in Para 14 above. They will be designated as Lecturers in the Selection Grade. Posts in the Selection Grade will be created for this purpose by upgrading the posts held by them. They could offer themselves for a fresh assessment after obtaining Ph.D. and or fulfilling other requirements for promotion as reader, and if found suitable, could be given the designation of Reader.

16. Lecturers in the existing selection Grade of Rs. 1200-1900 in the colleges will be placed at the appropriate stage in the revised selection Grade of Rs. 3700-5700 in accordance with the pay fixation formula under this scheme, existing Lecturers, who have completed or will complete, a total period of sixteen years of service on 1.1.1986 or thereafter will be eligible for promotion to the post of Reader or placement in the selection Grade in accordance with the provisions in paras 13, 14 and 15. They will also be entitled to the relaxation in the years of service by 3 years and 1 year respectively if they hold Ph.D. or M.Phil. degrees as mentioned in para 11.

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17. More posts of Professors and Readers will be created in the Universities and Colleges to broaden the channel of open selection. The U.G.C. would evolve suitable criteria for this purpose. The requirements of qualifications and experience for posts to be filled up through open selection will be prescribed by the UGC from time to time. Universities will have the freedom, to seek out brilliant people, independent of their seniority from within the Universities and colleges, or outside, and provide them opportunities for joining the teaching Profession at appropriate levels.

18. The promotions made or due under any existing scheme before1.3.89 will not be reopened. However in such cases the benefit of revision will be available to teachers only from the date of their promotion.

19. The existing teachers in Universities and colleges where the merit promotion scheme formulated by the UGC in 1983 or any other promotion schemes formulated by the State Govt. are in operation will have an option to continue to be governed by the provisions of those promotion schemes provided that they exercise their option in writing prior to their pay fixation under this scheme. They will also be entitled to the designations envisaged for various categories of teachers in those schemes, but the scales of pay will be as follows:-


(i)         Lecturer                                                          Rs. 2200-4000/-

(ii)        Reader/Lecturer                                            Rs. 3000-5000/-

(Selection Grade)

(iii)       Professor                                                       Rs. 4500-5700/-


Continuing education and appraisal of performance:

20. Participation of teachers at regular intervals in appropriate continuing education programmes is envisaged as an integral part of the professional development of teachers. The University Grants Commission, the Indira Gandhi National Open University, the State Governments and other appropriate agencies will be advised to take steps to introduce programmes of continuing education for this purpose through a variety of means while there cannot and need not be any rigid requirement of participation in formal programmes, evidence of commitment to continuing education of any recognised means as may be specified by the U.G.C. will be an essential requirement for career advancement. Pending the organisation of such programmes on the quality and scale required for giving effect to the implementations of the measures envisaged in paras 12 to 16 of this scheme relaxation from the requirement of participation in such programmes for specific & periods and for specific categories of posts will be granted by the University concerned in accordance with guidelines to be laid down by the UGC.

21. Regular and systematic appraisal of performance of teachers is to be an essential element in the management of education and this has been taken into account in the design to formulate the guidelines for the evaluation of performance of teachers,
taking into account the statement contained in the National policy on
Education 1986. Such a system should become operational with effect
from academic year 1988-89. Till it becomes operational the existing
screening mechanism/selection procedures or those prescribed on a provisional basis by




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the University/State Government concerned will apply to all placements/promotions referred to in paras 12 to 16.

Other conditions of services:


22. The period of probation of a teacher shall not exceed a period of 24 months. A lecturer appointed on probation should ordinarily be confirmed only after he/she has completed an appropriate short term orientation programmes and his/her performance appraisal reports are satisfactory. The U.G.C. shall make arrangements to ensure that facilities are available for organising orientation programmes to cover all lecturers appointed in and after 1986-89.

Superannuation and re-employment :

23. The age of superannuation for teachers should be 60 years and thereafter no extension in service should be given. However, it will be open to a University or college to re-employ a superannuated teacher according to the Statute to be framed on the guidelines  provided by the U.G.C. up to the age of 65 years.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism :

24. Appropriate mechanism for the redressal of teacher's grievances will be established in all Universities and colleges in respect of which guidelines will be issued separately.

Code of Professional Ethics :

25. The U.G.C. will prepare a Code of professional ethics for teachers in consultation with the representatives of national levels associations of teachers. All concerned should see to the observance of the Code.

Pay Fixation formula :

26. The pay of teachers in the revised scale of 1.1.1986 will be fixed in accordance with the formula given in Annexure ll.

Anomalies :

 27. Anomalies, if any, in the implementations of the scheme may be brought to the notice of the department of Human Resource Development Government of Bihar.





Sl. No.


Existing scales

of pay

Revised scales of pay











(Senior Scale)

Not Existing




(Selection Grade)












Principals of Colleges

(i) 1200-1900

(ii) 1500-2500

(i) 3700-125-4950-150-5700

(ii) 4500-150-5700-200-7300



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3000 (Fixed)

7600 (Fixed)



(Existing incumbents only)





Formula for fixation of pay in the revised scales:

l. Pay in the revised scales should be fixed under this scheme only after-

(a) every teacher has had an opportunity to decide whether he/she will opt for the earlier scheme (Paras 17-18): and

(b) the University or colleges concerned has made necessary changes in their statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, etc. to incorporate the provisions of this scheme.

II. The pay of teachers in Universities and colleges may be fixed in the revised scale of pay in the following manner :-

(i) An amount representing 20% of basic pay in the existing scale shall be added to the existing emoluments.

(ii) After the existing emoluments have been so increased the pay shall be fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the amount thus computed: Provided that:

(a) if the minimum of the revised scale is more than the amount so arrived at, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised scale:

(b) if the amount so arrived at is more than the maximum of the revised scale, the pay shall be fixed at the maximum of the scale.


(i) The "existing emoluments" of a teacher on 1.1.1986 shall include;

(a) basic pay 'in the existing scale ;

(b)dearness allowance, additional dearness allowance and adhoc dearness allowance appropriate to the basic pay admissible, if any; and

(c) Interim relief, if any;

(ii) For the purpose of adding 20% the existing emoluments;

(a) the basic pay shall be the pay on 1.1.1986, the basic pay may be reckoned notionally in the 1973 UGC scales for the purpose of fixation of pay; and

Note :— Where in the fixation of pay under clause (ii) the pay of a teacher drawing pay at more than five consecutive stages in an existing scale gets bunched, that is to say, gets fixed in the revised scale at the same stage, the pay in the revised scale of such of the teachers who are drawing pay beyond the first five consecutive stages in existing scale shall be stepped up to the stage where such bunching occurs, as under, by the grant of increments(s) in the revised scale in the following manner

(a) For teachers drawing pay from the 6th upto the 10th stage in the existing scale-by one increment

(b) For teachers drawing pay from the 11th up to the 15th stage in the existing scale, if there is bunching beyond the 10th stage-by-three increments.

(c) For teachers drawing pay from the 16th up to 20th stage in the existing scale if there is bunching beyound the 11th stage-by three increments.

If by stepping up of the pay as above, the pay of a teacher gets fixed
at a stage in the revised scale which is higher than the stage in the revised scale at

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which the pay of a teacher who was drawing pay at the next higher stage or stages in the same existing scale is fixed, the pay of the latter shall also be stepped up only to the extent by which it falls short of that of the former.

III. The next increment of a teacher whose pay has been fixed in the revised scale in accordance with Rule II shall be granted on the date he would have drawn his increment, had he continued in the existing scale :

Provided that in cases where the pay of a teacher is stepped up in terms of the Note under Rule-II, the next increment shall be granted on the completion of qualifying service of 12 months from the date of stepping up of the pay in the revised scale :

Provided further that in the case of persons who had been drawing maximum of the existing scale for more than a year as on 1.1.1986, the next increment in the revised scale shall be allowed on 1.1.1986.

IV. A few illustrations indicating the manner in which the pay of teachers should be fixed under Rule-I are given below (Figures may be taken as hypothetical) :—

illustration - 1

1.         Existing scale of pay                                     Rs. 700-40-1100-50-1600

2.          Proposed scale of pay                                 Rs. 2200-75-2800-EB-100-4000

3.          Existing basic pay                                         Rs. 700/-

4.          DA/ADA on 1.1.1986                                   Rs. 1053/-

5.         Two instalments of interim relief.              Rs. 140

6.         Existing emoluments                                    Rs. 1893/-

7.         Add 20% of basic pay                                   Rs. 140/

Pay to be fixed in revised scale = Rs. 2200/-

illustration - 2

1.         Existing scale of pay                                     Rs. 700-1600/-

2.          Proposed scale of pay                                 Rs. 2200-4000/-

3.          Existing basic pay                                         Rs. 980/-

4.          DA/ADA on 1.1.1986                                   Rs. 1428/-

5.         Two instalments of interim relief.              Rs. 168/-

6.         Existing emoluments                                    Rs. 2576/-

7.         Add 20% of basic pay                                   Rs. 196/-

Pay to be fixed in the revised scale = Rs. 2800/-

illustration - 3

1.         Existing scale of pay                          Rs. 1200-1900

2.         Proposed scale of pay                                  Rs. 3700-125-4700-150-5300

3.         Existing basic pay                                          Rs. 1480/-

4.         DA/ADA on 1.1.1986                                    Rs, 4450

5.         Two instalments of interim relief               Rs. 218/-

6.         Existing emoluments                                    Rs. 3148/-

7.         Add 20% of basic pay                                   Rs. 296/-

Pay to be fixed in the revised scale = Rs. 3700/-

illustration - 4

1.         Existing scale of pay                          Rs. 1500-2500

2,         Proposed scale of pay                                  Rs. 4500-150-5700-200-7300

3.         Existing basic pay                                          Rs. 2300/-


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4.         DA/ADA onl.1.1986                                     Rs. 2325/-

5.          Two instalments in interim relief.              Rs. 350/-

6.          Existing emoluments                                               Rs. 5175/-

7.          Add 20% of basic pay                                              Rs. 460/-

Pay to be fixed in the revised scale = Rs. 3700/-

Note :—The amount of DA/ADA and interim relief mentioned in the above illustrations are those applicable to Central Government employees. The corresponding actual amount admissible in each State on this account will have to be taken into account in computing the total existing emolument and fixing the pay in the revised scale at the appropriate stage.

Pay Fixation Proforma of Teachers of Colleges/Deptts/lnstitutions

1.         Name of the teacher.

2.         Post held & name of Deptt./College/lnst.

3.         Date of increment in the present post.

4.         Date of promotion on the present post

5.         Scale of pay of the exising post.

6.         (i) Basis pay as on 1.1.86

(ii) D.A. & Addl. D.A./ad-hoc as on 1.1.86

(iii) Interim relief as on 1.1.86

7.         Total emoluments of Sl. 6 on 1.1.86 in the

existing scale,

8.         Add. 20% of the basic pay of the existing

pay on 1.1.86

9.         Total of serial 7 & 8

10.       Pay 'fixed in the revised scale of pay on

1.1.86/on date of promotion/option.

11.       Date of next increment.

12.       In the case a teacher is drawing pay at the

 Max. Stage in the existing scale the date

 from which he has been drawing maximum

  be mentioned.

Countersigned by the Head of the                                            Signature of the Teacher.



Note :— Option and undertaking etc. may be enclosed.

(ii) In case of promotion in the scale of pay of Reader/Professor a copy of the fixation statement be attached.



LETTER NO. F 1-21/87 OF UI. DATED 22ND JULY, 1988.  

I……………Lecturer/Reader/Professor in the Department of…………………....../ hereby exercise my option to continue to be governed by the provisions of the existing promotion scheme with all the conditions attached thereto.

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Full signature of the teacher & Designation.



Head of the Deptt.

Vice or Pro-V.C. or President of the G.B. in

cases of Principal of Affiliated Colleges



Form of Undertaking

            I hereby undertake that it, on final fixation of pay in the Revised Scale by the State Government it is found that the provisional payment has been made in excess of the amount admissible and approved by the State Govt. the amount so paid in excess to me would be deducted from my future pay in one or more installments.

Signature of the teacher.



Name of the University.

Name of the Post-Graduate Department/College.

No. of posts sanctioned on 1.1.1986 (Giving details of G.O.Nos/University order……...… Univ.-Prof., Reader, Lecturer, Demonstrator.

Pay and special allowances/dearness allowances/admissible on 1.1.86 in the existing scale.

Pay admissible on 1.1.86 in the revised scale

Difference of Col. 2 & 3











            Note.-For teachers after 1.1.86 and old one who is allowed new pay scales of pay 1.3.89, separate information shall be furnished in this very proforma.

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