(As approved by the Chancellor vide letter no. BSU-41/81-2779 GS(I) dated
14.11.1981 alongwith amendments vide letter no. BSU-26/86-3813/GS(1)
dated 28.11.1986.)
1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary as contained in the Statutes
it is hereby provided that a Lecturer, serving in University department or in a
degree college managed and maintained by the University shall on the
recommendation of the University Selection Committee be promoted to the post of
Reader' subject to the following conditions :-
(a) If he holds a doctorate
degree (e.g., Ph.D., D.Litt., D.Sc.), he has completed at least thirteen (13)
years of continuous service as a Lecturer, 1[in one or more
University], or
If he does not hold a doctorate degree, he has completed at least eighteen
years of continuous service as a Lecturer, l [in one or more
Provided that the period of teaching experience below degree standard
shall not be included 2[* * *]
Subs. By letter no. BSU-26/86-3813-GS(1) dated-28.11.1986.
Deleted by ibid.
Part II [157
(b) He holds substantive appointment on the post of Lecturer.
2. Such a promotion shall be deemed to be a personal promotion. It shall
not be automatic but shall be made on the recommendation of the University
Selection Committee on consideration of academic achievement and C.C.Rolls of
the lecturer concerned:
Provided that where C.C.Rolls have not been maintained before
implementation of these statutes the cases of lecturers who are eligible for
promotion on the date of implementation of this Statute, shall be considered by
the University Selection Committee on the basis of academic achievements and the
certificate from the Head of University Department or the Principal of college
concerned in regard to the satisfactory service of the lecturers after the same
has been screened by a Committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for the
Provided further that hereafter C.C.Rolls shall be regularly maintained in
respect of each teacher according to the procedure and in the form to be
approved by the Chancellor for the purpose.
3. Promotion to the post of Readers under the above clause shall be
admissible only in the faculties in which the fifth Plan U.G.C. scale of pay
have been implemented by the University, but a lecturer who did not opt for the
UGC scale of pay shall also be eligible to be considered for promotion to the
post of Reader under these Statutes in the old scale of pay i.e., Rs. 850-1250.
4. Where a lecturer is promoted to the post of a Reader, such a promotion
shall take effect from the date on which the lecturer entered 14th or 19th year
of qualifying service as the case may be, or from the date of implementation of
these Statutes, whichever is later.
5. The case of a Lecturer, who is not recommended by the University
Selection Committee for promotion may again be considered for promotion after a
period of one year has elapsed since his name was last considered. The promotion
in such a case shall take effect from the date of the recommendation of the
University Selection Committee.
6. The post of the lecturer, who is promoted to the post of Reader, shall
be deemed to be upgraded with effect from the date of such promotion and shall
remain upgraded as such till the incumbent continues to hold the post, but the
same shall be converted in to the post of Lecturer in the event of his
appointment to a higher post or when the post falls vacant due to his
retirement, resignation, death or otherwise. Nothing in these Statutes shall be
construed to have created any vacancy on the post of Lecturer on promotion of
the lecturer to the post of Reader.
7. The upgraded post shall be deemed to be a substantive post till the
promotee holds it, but any temporary vacancy on the post on account of the
promotee being on leave or on foreign service or officiating or holding another
post on temporary basis, shall be that of lecturer.
8. A Lecturer who is promoted as Reader, shall from the date of promotion,
draw his pay in the Reader's scale which shall be equal to the amount of his pay
in the Lecturer's scale but if his pay in the lecturer's scale does not fit in
the Reader's scale, his pay in the Readers scale shall be fixed at the stage
next above the amount of his pay
in the Lecturer's scale. The date of increment in the Reader's scale shall
be the same as that in the Lecturer’s scale.
158] Part II
Manual of Bihar Universities Laws
9. The seniority on the post of Reader shall be determined from the date
of promotion but the inter-se seniority of the lecturers promoted as
Readers on the same date shall be the same as they had on their posts as
10. Appointment to posts higher than that of Reader and other post of
teachers including duly created posts of Readers shall continue to be made only
on the basis of the prescribed qualification and in the manner prescribed in the
Act and the Statutes:
Provided that a person who was appointed as Reader against a duly
sanctioned post without obtaining the recommendation of the Bihar Public Service
Commission and has been continuing as such on the post, may be appointed to that
post on substantive basis with the approval of the University Selection
Committee on the basis of his academic achievements and satisfacory service
subject to the condition that:-
(i) the post on which he
is working is a duly sanctioned post, and
(ii) he holds the qualifications
for the post of Reader as prescribed in the Statutes at the time of his previous
appointment as Reader.
The substantive appointment of such a person as Reader shall take effect
from the 14th November 1980 but he shall be senior to those who are promoted as
Reader under these Statutes. The existing inter-se seniority amongst
Readers who were appointed without reference to the Bihar Public Service
Commission shall not be affected.
11. The Registrar of the University with the approval of the
Vice-Chancellor shall place a list of eligible candidates giving required
information about them along with all the relevant papers including service
records and/or C.C.Rolls before the Screening Committee to be appointed by the
Vice-Chancellor for scrutiny. The recommendation of the Screening Committee
alongwith all the relevant papers shall be placed before the University
Selection Committee and the recommendation of the University Selection Committee
shall be placed before the Syndicate at its next meeting for orders.
12. These Statutes shall come into force with effect from the 24th of
October, 1981.